Content That Helps 19 May 2017 “You do not know what kind of spirit you are of” "When His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 12 Apr 2017 The “secret” to growing every area of your life We tend towards thinking of our lives as divided into several areas or compartments. There’s money and relationships and faith… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 31 Mar 2017 Forgiveness isn’t automatic “God forgives” is one of the main arteries connected to the heart of the Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ. The other… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 13 Mar 2017 Liberating constraints for technology Imagine if the law of gravity were unpredictable. You might be just sitting down to eat when your food begins to elevate. Or you’ve nearly won a marathon and suddenly you’re floating away.… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 16 Feb 2017 Social media is a world within a world within a world Social media is here to stay. But only because we are inescapably, hopelessly as well as hopefully, relational creatures. Being in a good relationship means “the world” to us, while… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 08 Feb 2017 4 Reasons why we should be forgiving Forgiving is giving the gift of not holding something against someone. To be unforgiving, then, is to withhold that gift. But being unforgiving can have devastating consequences on us and others. So… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 01 Feb 2017 The power of (un)forgiveness You will hurt. If you’re in a relationship of any kind, sooner or later, you will be hurt by someone and someone will be hurt by you. And the deeper… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 27 Jan 2017 Get off of social media and you may find your relationships are getting better No one will deny that we are all bombarded daily by an abundance of ideas/images of what relationships are supposed to be like, sound like, look like, feel… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 18 Jan 2017 And we can do no better The desire to do something the right way can cripple the desire to do the right thing. The fear of getting it wrong strangles the conviction of doing what is right.… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 07 Dec 2016 We cannot thank ourselves: we can only thank another Thanksgiving is something that often occurs in the heart after the fact. Throughout the day we are busy and in the moment we don't realize what we've been given or… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 07 Dec 2016 Nothing is ever lost in love, only ever gained Why, if two people are hurt by the same person, does one of them feel they were hurt more or that they have the right to hurt more? (This… Jonathan Evans