Content That Helps 22 May 2020 A great life is the result of a focus on unity As a fitness goal, many people want great abs. But great abs are the result of a focus beyond the abs themselves. Great abs are the result of a focus on a strong core. In fact, the abs are only… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 18 May 2020 Marriage Monday: Communication is trust Every word has an entire history behind it Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 11 May 2020 Marriage Monday: Communication is empathy How hard it is to kiss the mouth of one whose words are like swords thrusts rather than drops of honey. But how easy the opposite is! Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 08 May 2020 Ahmaud and Ruth We are all responsible for both hatred and kindness Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 04 May 2020 Marriage Monday: Communication is effort Saying something is easy. Communicating is more difficult, but in the long run much more fruitful. Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 04 May 2020 “Reopening” Elim Grace Dear Elim Grace, As of last week, in the county of Oswego, the number of COVID-19 cases was around .0006%… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 27 Apr 2020 Marriage Monday: The beauty in forgiveness The lonely marriage and the fruitful marriage are separated by a process Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 24 Apr 2020 Hope first (COVID-19) video series A playlist of videos originally posted to Facebook and Instagram by Pastor Jonathan during this season of social distancing and quarantine Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 13 Apr 2020 MARRIAGE MONDAY: The urgency of forgiveness What's the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy marriage? Small daily acts of forgiveness. Watch the 2 minute video Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 02 Apr 2020 COVID-19 steals nothing from Easter Never would we have imagined to be celebrating Easter online and not together face to face. It is not what… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 27 Mar 2020 CHANGE FOR GOOD: Learning to rest (again) (Change For Good is an ongoing series of thoughts and observations on life as impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic) (By… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 26 Mar 2020 OPERATION FRONTLINE Many of us are at this point staying AWAY from the virus, but there are those who are moving TOWARDS… Jonathan Evans