Content That Helps 31 Mar 2017 The Gospel is not what solves your problems "And he rolled up the scroll and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 24 Mar 2017 The Gospel is not what it produces When Jesus says that “the poor in spirit” are blessed, he doesn’t say that they are blessed because they are poor in spirit. They are not blessed because they are this way. Rather, astonishingly,… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 20 Mar 2017 An American nightmare Jesus begins his well-known, yet widely misunderstood, “sermon on the mount” with a list of Beatitudes, or Blessings. These Blessings are not an ethics of strict morality. Rather, they are an ethics… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 13 Mar 2017 Liberating constraints for technology Imagine if the law of gravity were unpredictable. You might be just sitting down to eat when your food begins to elevate. Or you’ve nearly won a marathon and suddenly you’re floating away.… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps, Uncategorized 10 Mar 2017 Indifference is worse than all We can say, "He (She) has made his (her) choice." In saying it this way we are describing a finality, a breaking point, a closing brought about by that choice. But it… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 23 Feb 2017 Worship is the great equalizer Worship is the great equalizer. First, in that everyone is a worshipper. "(H)ere's something else that's weird but true: in the day-to day trenches of adult life, there is actually no such thing… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 16 Feb 2017 Social media is a world within a world within a world Social media is here to stay. But only because we are inescapably, hopelessly as well as hopefully, relational creatures. Being in a good relationship means “the world” to us, while… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 08 Feb 2017 4 Reasons why we should be forgiving Forgiving is giving the gift of not holding something against someone. To be unforgiving, then, is to withhold that gift. But being unforgiving can have devastating consequences on us and others. So… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 01 Feb 2017 The power of (un)forgiveness You will hurt. If you’re in a relationship of any kind, sooner or later, you will be hurt by someone and someone will be hurt by you. And the deeper… Jonathan Evans
Messages 29 Jan 2017 29 Jan 2017 Being Forgiving "A Friend Loves at all Times" Series Part 3 Jonathan Evans