Content That Helps 03 Jun 2017 We can’t escape the process We often seek to gain the most while losing the least in life. We want the most bang for our… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 19 May 2017 In the knowing we are changed "But they understood none of these things. This saying was hidden from them, and they did not grasp what was… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 19 May 2017 “You do not know what kind of spirit you are of” "When His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 05 May 2017 All change is rooted in permanence When the Spring flowers blossom they are not appearing due to some unforeseen reason. Rather, they come as a result… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 12 Apr 2017 The “secret” to growing every area of your life We tend towards thinking of our lives as divided into several areas or compartments. There’s money and relationships and faith… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 07 Apr 2017 Not heaven only Is Jesus making something up when he says “the meek shall inherit the earth”? (Matthew 5:5) Is this make believe?… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 06 Apr 2017 The earth is yours Blessed are the meek or humble. Most of us would say, “That’s me!". But what would others say? And how can… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 31 Mar 2017 Forgiveness isn’t automatic “God forgives” is one of the main arteries connected to the heart of the Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ. The other… Jonathan Evans