Content That Helps 14 Feb 2020 The calculated life “Have you been writing that whole time? Have you been calculating what you’re going to say that whole time?” She… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 13 Feb 2020 2020 Second Goals: Pay off/Plan towards In this video, Pastor Jonathan explains two of our Second Goals for 2020. God is leading Elim Grace towards future expansion. A team has been tasked to explore that future for us. But hand in hand with that is our… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 12 Feb 2020 Elim Grace Leadership Values: Serve with a smile Elim Grace leaders are those who serve with a smile, a smile not only on their face but in their heart. Their entire disposition and attitude of heart is to freely serve the people God has called them to serve. Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 10 Feb 2020 Marriage Together 3: Fight for unity Enemies fight because they have opposing goals. Allies fight in pursuit of a common goal. In marriage, we are to be allies, not enemies. What are your common goals? Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 07 Feb 2020 Fight for unity In matters of politics, it’s my personal conviction that as a whole neither the left nor the right has the… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 05 Feb 2020 Elim Grace Leadership Values: Fight for Unity Elim Grace Leaders are those who model seven values. Our values aren’t those we looked outside for. Rather, we looked inside and asked, “who is leading well? who is already a good leader? and why?” Throughout the year we’ll look… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 31 Jan 2020 A 2020 First Goal: Stewardship Campaign God is leading Elim Grace towards future expansion. But it's our belief that before that happens, we must each seek to get our own financial house in order. As disciples of Jesus, being good stewards is not only our duty… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 29 Jan 2020 Elim Grace Leadership Values: Worship Jesus Freely Elim Grace Leaders are those who model seven values. Our values aren't those we looked outside for. Rather, we looked inside and asked, "who is leading well? who is already a good leader? and why?" Throughout the year we'll look… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 28 Jan 2020 Not because they were famous Not because they were famous do we mourn, but because they were family. Because they were young. Because Kobe was… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 27 Jan 2020 MARRIAGE TOGETHER: Better takes hard work I’ve lived half my life now as a husband. Well, not quite half. This year I turn 42 and will… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 12 Jan 2020 MARRIAGE TOGETHER: Three ways to cultivate unity in marriage Marriage only works when you work at it together. In this video Pastor Jonathan and Alissa talk about three ways we can cultivate unity in our marriage: Learn to laugh Get ahead of the stress Be willing to serve one… Jonathan Evans
Content That Helps 10 Jan 2020 Unity: The health of God As a fitness goal, many people want great abs. But great abs are the result of a focus beyond the… Jonathan Evans