The Trinity: What difference does it make?

August 30, 2024
August 30, 2024 Jonathan Evans

The Trinity: What difference does it make?

How does the doctrine of the Trinity fit into my life?

If the Holy Spirit is the great Helper that Jesus promised, then I need Him to help me in every dimension of my life in Christ. “It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me” by the Spirit. Therefore, there should be and there must be a growing realization of my dependency upon the Holy Spirit. A deep rooted knowing and abiding of heart.

A way to grow in keeping pace with the Spirit, in learning to live at His bidding, is to obey every impulse of the Spirit. Whether in prayer, confession, obedience, etc., the Spirit leads me to love, obey, worship, follow Jesus who alone will carry to completion the good and perfect will of the Father in my life. “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6)


How does the doctrine of the Trinity fit into my ministry/work?

If Christian ministry/work is but an extension of my Christian life, I can do nothing apart from the Holy Spirit’s assistance. More and more before I do anything I find myself asking the Holy Spirit for His help. Before writing a sermon, before stepping into the pulpit to preach. Before checking my email, before reading an email, before responding. Before my teenagers get out of the car for a new day at high school. Before I read. Before I pray. Before a conversation. Before a meeting. Before. During. After.

“Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing,” said Jesus (John 15:5). I take that also to mean “Whoever abides in my Spirit,” for the Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus, through Whom we have access to the Father and through Whom we receive from the Father every spiritual blessing found in the heavens.


How does the doctrine of the Trinity fit into my church?

Jesus did not save us, call us, and send us out into the world to accomplish God’s will in our own wisdom, strength, and power. It is only by the Spirit of God that the will of God is done. Jesus received the promised Holy Spirit from the Father (as a result of His death, resurrection, and victory over sin and death) for the express purpose of in return sending the Spirit to His own. So Jesus has since poured out the Holy Spirit upon/into the church freely and fully. The descent of the Spirit is the heavenly proof on earth of Christ’s ascension as King and Lord over all things. “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” (Matthew 28:18)

It is through the Spirit that the church has been birthed and that every disciple is born again. Therefore, it is through the Spirit, His abiding presence and power, that the church lives, breathes and moves day to day as the body of Christ. A constant remembering of our dependency on the Spirit to continue the works of Jesus to the glory of God is necessary and essential to the life, holiness, power, witness and joy of the church.