“The Blessings” Series
Part 7
Peacemakers are those who actively pursue and attempt to make peace with their enemies, or to help bring together those who are estranged. This is important work and this is hard work. But it is hard because it is easier for us to make trouble than to make peace. Our greed, anger, selfishness, self-righteousness (etc.) make it easy for us to regard ourselves over others.
However, as Christians, disciples of Jesus, we are called “sons of God” because that is who we really are: God’s children, of God’s family, of God’s character. We are to be and to bring God’s peace into relational and social conflict. Where do we start though? Right where we are. Rather than first throwing ourselves into conflict, we must first not allow conflict to steal our peace.
Being “sons of God” and peacemakers is not anything we have accomplished on our own or accomplish in our own power. We are peacemakers because we have peace with God. Peace has been made for us. There was an incurable wound in our heart—sin—but Jesus was wounded on the cross for our sin, and through his wounds we are healed—completely delivered and set free from sin. Peace, then, isn’t a thing or a thought or a feeling. Peace is a Person: Jesus Christ.